Return & Exchange
If you are not 100% satisfied with the items you have ordered then we will be more than happy to give you a full refund or exchange it with another item of your choice, that you return them to us within 14 working days of receipt and in a re-saleable condition.
If you wish to return your items please do not hesitate to contact us for your free return label (UK Only). You can contact us via
- Free return service is only valid for full price items.
- For sale items, a postage contribution of £3 will be deducted from your refund.
- Please be sure to add the invoice or a note which includes your full name, order number and return reason when returning goods.
- The company will not be liable for returns if the garment is stained by makeup.
- Avoid wearing perfume or deodorant that could leave a permanent scent or mark on the clothing.
- We reserve the right to refuse a refund for items returned that are not in a re-saleable condition.
- We take no responsibility for goods before they reach us.